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An inline-code API documentation tool inspired by rdoc and yard, with easy-to-modify HTML templates and styles.

Installation Gem Version

Simply install from This will install the gem, the raindoc executable and the template files for the gem.

gem install rain-doc

Or, include the gem in your Gemfile if you're using Bundler.

gem 'rain-doc'


Use the CLI provided (via Thor) to run the following command:

raindoc generate file/paths/*

Where file/paths are a list of .md, .markdown, .txt, .mdown or .rb files.


Rain has several command line options that can be used to change the output.

Option Description
--s Parses methods (def, get, put, post, delete) and classes and outputs them into the HTML output with their comments/docs
--lp Logs each file line parse's output so you can see where the parser may be going wrong if the desired effect is not achieved


For some examples of the current rain output, see the example below (which has a GET, PUT, POST and DELETE route).

Rain Output Example